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Es gibt noch etwas, was ich unbedingt erwähnen will, 
seit Jahren berate ich Menschen und helfe ihnen so.
Nachdem die Frage jetzt mehrfach kam, als letzter Punkt nun, wer ist denn nun bitte Pandora, woher kommt der Name:
SM, BDSM und Erotik
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Mistress Janice Seite
BDSM bei Mistress Janice

On My Enchanted Sight


I was looking from my window
on the moon on a moonlit night
and everything was perfect
if not perfectly in sight
and I put my mind to wondering
on the night we turned to day
beneath the castle on Tadhg Mór's mountain
with our hearts being swept away
hearts being a-swept, hearts
hearts being swept away


With the silver stream a-rushing
And a-pulling at our feet
And I'm glad I've known the hunger
and I'm glad I've seen it eat
I think I'll never see a beauty
Such as yours framed in that night
you wore it like a cloak, you did
On my enchanted sight, my enchanted
my enchanted sight


My vision will not soar again
as was deemed on that fair night
when everything was perfect
if not perfectly in sight
how theese souls that went-a-wandering
On the liquid night did stray
beneath the castle on Tadhg Mór's mountain
with our hearts being swept away
hearts being a-swept, hearts
hearts being swept away


With the silver stream a-rushing
and a-pulling at their feet
when they sat down with the hunger
and the tree of them did eat
I myself did paint this beauty
And did frame her in that night

This is the portrait of my love you see
on my enchanted sight
in my enchanted, my enchanted
my enchanted sight

 (Jimmy McCarthy)


zu Geraldine MacGowan zurück

Grausamkeit, Härte & Materialismus - Meine Leidenschaft


Grausamkeit, Härte & Materialismus - Meine Leidenschaft

Grausamkeit, Härte & Materialismus - Meine Leidenschaft

Onanierbefehl für Sklaven und vieles mehr
Onanierbefehl für Sklaven

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