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BDSM bei Mistress Janice

Johnny Jump Up


I tell you a story that happened to me
One day as I went down to Youghal by the sea.
The sun it was bright and the day it was warm.
Says I, "A quiet pint wouldn't do me no harm."

I went in and I called for a bottle of stout.
Says the barman, "I'm sorry, the beer is sold out.
Try whiskey or Paddy, ten years in the wood."
Says I, "I 'll try cider, I hear that it's good."


Oh never, oh never, oh never again,
If I live to be hundred or hundred and ten
For I fell to the ground and I couldn't get up
After drinking a quart of the Johnny Jump Up.


After leaving the third I went to the yard
Where I bumped into Brophy, the big civic guard.
"Come here to me boy, don't you know, I'm the law?"
I upped with my fist and I shattered his jaw.

He fell to the ground with his knees doubled up
But it wasn't I hit him, 'twas Johhny Jump Up.
The next thing I met down in Youghal by the sea
Was a criplle on crutches and says he to me,

"I'm afraid of me life I'll be hit by a car.
Won't you help me across to the Railways Men's bar?"
After drinking a quart of that cider so sweet
He throw down his crutches and danced in the street.



I went up the Lee Road a friend for to see,
And they call it the mad house in Cork by the Lee,
But when I got there, the truth I do tell,
They had the poor bugger locked up in a cell.

Said the guard, testing him "Say these words, if you can:
Around the rugged rock the ragged rascal ran."
"Tell them I'm not crazy, tell them I'm not mad.
It was only a sup of that cider I had."



A man died in the Union by the name of McNabb.
They washed him and laid him outside on a slab,
And after O'Connor his measurements did take,
His wife took him home to a bloody fine wake.

About twelve o'clock and the beer it was high
When the corpse he sat up and says he with a sigh,
"I can't go to heaven, they won't let me up,
Till I bring them a quart of this Johnny Jump Up."

 (Jimmy Crowley)

Dieses Lied handelt von Cider, englischem Apfelwein, der, besonders in manchen Ecken, einen hohen Alkoholgehalt hat. In dem Lied wird beschrieben, was einem so alles passieren kann, wenn man davon trinkt. Allerdings nicht so ganz ernst gemeint. Besonders auffällig, die unterschiedliche Länge der verschiedenen Strophen, etwas was man häufiger im Celtic Folk findet.


zu Christy Moore zurück

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