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BDSM bei Mistress Janice

Etrick Lady


As I get doon the Etrick Valley
Etrick Valley late at night
Who should I see but a handsome lassie
Combin'her hair by candle-light
"Lassie I hae come accourtin'
Your kind favours for tae win,
And if ye'll but smile upon me
Next Sunday night I'll call again"


Fala tala rudam rudam rudam
Fala tala rudam rudam dey


"So, tae me you came acourtin'
My kind favours for tae win
But'lwould give me the greatest pleasure
If you never did call again
What I'll do when I go oot walkin'
Walkin' in the Etrick dew?
What I'll do when I go oot walkin'
Walkin' oot wi' a laddy like you?"



"Lassie, I hae gold an'silver
Lassie, I hae houses an'land
Lassie, I hae ships in the ocean
They'll be all at your command."
"What I do care for your ships in the ocean,
What do I care for your houses an'land,
What do I care for your gold an'silver?
All I want is a handsome man."



Did you ever see the grass in the mornin'
Overcast with with juwels rare?
Did you ever see a handsome lassie
Diamonds sparklin' in her hair?
Did you ever see a copper kettle
Mended wi'an old tin can?
Did you ever see a handsome lassie
Married up wi'an ugly man?


In diesem Lied geht es um einen reichen Brautwerber der verschmäht wird. Er bietet dem jungen Mädchen Gold, Silber, Häuser und Schiffe an. Die junge Frau lacht aber nur über ihn und alles was er aufzählt. Sie schickt ihn weg, alles was sie will ist ein junger, schöner Mann. Die gleiche Melodie wird in Irland mit einem anderen Text gesungen und heißt dort Spanish Lady.


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Grausamkeit, Härte & Materialismus - Meine Leidenschaft

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Onanierbefehl für Sklaven

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